

工程师。发明家。偏心。尼古拉·特斯拉是谁?尼古拉·特斯拉出生在7月9日或10日,1856年,在Smiljan,奥地利帝国的一个小村庄。1884年移民到美国后,Tesla-already训练有素的工程师和感应电动机的计划在他belt-found处理留声机的发明者:托马斯·爱迪生。但是特斯拉和爱迪生很快就分道扬镳,特斯拉建立了自己的实验室。他的一些最成功的发明包括特斯拉线圈,今天仍然使用无线电和电视机;交流电系统用于光1893年世界哥伦比亚博览会在芝加哥;和一艘遥控制导。 About the turn of the century, Tesla made what he considered his most important discovery: terrestrial stationary waves. Using this knowledge, he became the first person to create artificial lightning. As caricatures of inventors may lead you to expect, Tesla was a great eccentric. He had an extreme germ phobia, he rarely socialized, and he was fascinated by pigeons—even reportedly saying that “as long as” he had his favorite pet pigeon, “there was a purpose to [his] life.” Nikola Tesla died on January 7, 1943, in New York, New York. His habit of spreading sensational rumors about his inventions—including claims that he’d detected life in outer space and invented a death ray—compelled the U.S. government to raid the hotel room where Tesla had been staying. According to official reports, Tesla’s files were merely speculative: actual plans for these alleged inventions did not exist.