

抱着泰迪熊的孩子和用智能手机的孩子,哪一个会给你温暖而模糊的感觉?很多人一想到孩子接触科技产品就会感到不舒服。但我们不能否认,手机、平板电脑、电脑和互联网已经成为日常生活中不可避免的一部分。与其妖魔化这些设备,不如让我们清楚地看看孩子们是如何使用科技的,以及父母和照顾者可以做些什么,让这些体验变得安全和有意义。婴儿在很小的时候就可以在屏幕上观看和关注图像或视频。虽然婴儿和蹒跚学步的孩子可能不完全明白发生了什么,但他们可以通过观察面部表情和听人的声音来参与视频通话。这些经历在家庭关系的背景下变得有意义。当孩子们蹒跚学步时,他们可以自己操作一些技术。他们可以拿着平板电脑,按下大按钮,在屏幕上滑动。最好的媒体鼓励孩子积极参与。 Quality apps and games create connections between the screen and the real world and encourage active and creative play. But watch out: Little ones don’t yet understand that phones and tablets are fragile. It’s normal for toddlers to drop or even throw a device. Common sense tells us that it’s not a good idea for a child to sit in front of a screen for hours on end. But experts say that it’s the quality of screen time and not the quantity that really matters. By preschool age, children can tap, swipe, and trace on a touch screen, turn devices on and off, and engage in playful virtual experiences. Digital learning sessions should be kept short and sweet: preschoolers can listen to a story, participate in a sing-along, or engage in short discussions. Though it’s easy to be wowed by all the new gadgets and games for children, it’s important for caregivers to think carefully about what role they want technology to play in their family and set limits accordingly. Grade school and primary school students are learning that the world beyond the home is a complicated place. Today, technology is a big part of all the new things children are exploring. Grade schoolers are developing the skills to use a keyboard, talk to digital assistants, play online games, and send texts and emails. Many school age children are eager to get their first phone. When kids have access to messaging and the internet, media literacy becomes extremely important. This is the ability to understand all different kinds of media and use it safely and productively. Parents and caregivers can teach responsible online habits by helping children recognize advertising, avoid unhealthy influences, and identify scams. About 95% of teens in the United States have access to a smartphone, and many report that they’re online “almost constantly.” Pre-teens and teens are physically and cognitively able to do pretty much anything adults can with technology, but it’s important to keep in mind that adolescents are more likely than adults to act on impulse and engage in risky behavior—both in the real world and online. Learning media literacy is a top priority for teens navigating social media as they constantly encounter memes, phishing, and trolls. The challenge is developing a positive digital footprint and acting as responsible digital citizens. Teens can be encouraged to use technology to showcase their talents, connect with people they admire, or get involved in important causes. Technology is everywhere, and it’s always changing. Sometimes, it seems like the children are ahead of adults in learning to use new tech innovations. But kids and teens still need adult guidance and support. Navigating the digital world can feel scary sometimes, but we can all learn to try new things and make smart decisions together.