


重力的影响削弱了远从地球表面。结果是零重力或失重。科学一直梦想着人为影响甚至溶解重力。一种可能性是所谓的重力发生器。在它的中心有一个金属环。冷却温度零下260度,金属失去电阻。戒指就装在旋转时,其内部的电子顺利没有摩擦。这将创建一个重力力场,反对以或多或少的力量取决于旋转的速度。也许这是一种欺骗重力的影响?所有天体的重力影响,包括所有的行星和太阳和月亮。 It's a pulling force of equal strength in all directions that keeps things tidy in our solar system. It forces mass into a rounded form, similar to how a magnet would. This is why planets and stars have an almost spherical shape. But they are also shaped this way because they are or used to be made up of liquid in their interior. This is because in the zero gravity conditions of space, liquids always form a sphere under the pressure of their surface tension. On Earth, the influence of zero gravity can be demonstrated with the so-called drop tower experiment. To start with, a glass is filled with water, but enough space is left for air. The influence of various forces and the surface tension of the water presses the trapped air, not the water, into a spherical shape.
