

旁白:没有一个社会人口的老龄化速度超过日本。整个东京地区几乎只居住着老人。日本有世界上最高的平均年龄和寿命。但谁将来照顾老人吗?日本政府依靠人工存在物。阿西莫是一个人形机器人,一个高度复杂的计算机系统。他能够行走,认识到人与对象。在未来,机器人将用于护士生病。小泽征内田和他的理疗师松本武已经经历这样的人工存在物。因为有一个事故这个年轻的日本人已经半身不遂。 He's unable to move, but they got word of a robot suit that moves people, the opposite of what we're used to. Electrical motors are positioned at the joints. The motor signals sent through the nerves are translated into genuine movements. One thing is indisputable: the suit lends unimagineable strength, even to those who have almost no muscle strength left. Four 10-kilo sacks of rice - he doesn't even flinch. Our reporter has reached his physical limits after three. It's time to the bottom of this and give it a whirl ourselves.

KLAUS-PETER SIEGLOCH[翻译]:“当我关闭我的手,提高——一点点,真的真的没有提高,那么的冲动,它开始提升。没有任何努力吗?是的,我只需要拿在我的手上。但这肌肉不萎缩。”
