

旁白:前美国援助可以感受到的全部重量,德国发动进攻,旨在结束战争。一切似乎对他们有利。1917年10月,意大利军队吹捧和奥地利人倾注到意大利北部的平原。在11月和12月俄罗斯抵抗倒塌,俄罗斯被革命要求和平。罗马尼亚被战争摧毁了;在近东的英国进攻失败了。最危险的是,潜艇战似乎胜利,英格兰饥饿的危险。在1917年春天,德国军队发起了他们所希望的决定性进攻盟军在法国北部。1918年3月,他们在亚眠了。今年4月,在赖氨酸。 In May, June and July, they came within artillery range of Paris itself. But the Allied lines held and American troops saw their first large-scale fighting, the first division at Cantigny, the second at Chateau-Thierry, the third at Belleau Wood, the 42nd, the 28th, the 32nd and others, fighting at tiny French villages and along streams whose names the soldiers could hardly pronounce. By July 17, 1918, unable to maintain the offensive against fresh and hopeful Allied troops, the last German advance came to a halt.


