

菲丽丝·惠特蕾是谁?菲丽丝·惠特蕾是第一个显著的非裔美国女诗人。虽然具体日期不详,她出生在西非约1753。在被绑架并带来一个奴隶船到波士顿,她购买的约翰和苏珊娜惠特利在1761年作为一个个人的仆人。惠特利夫妇看到她的能力学习和教她读书写字。在不到两年的时间里掌握英语后,菲利斯惠特利转向学习希腊语和拉丁语以及写诗。她的第一首诗,被称为“哈斯和棺材”,在1767年出现在打印。三年后,她在美国殖民地成名,国外的挽歌乔治·怀特菲尔德,一个受欢迎的传教士。她大约18的时候,惠特利了28诗歌的集合覆盖的主题包括道德、虔诚、和自由。但是,没有美国出版商愿意打印一个奴役人的工作。 The Wheatleys sent her to London, where her first book, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, was published in 1773. It was the first book by an enslaved African American to be published. Soon afterward she returned to Boston and was manumitted by Susanna Wheatley, who had fallen ill. Although Phillis Wheatley continued to write, few publishers were willing to take her work, and she was unable to support herself with her poems. Phillis Wheatley died on December 5, 1784. Her contributions to American literature highlighted the importance and benefit of educational opportunities for African Americans, helping to further the abolition movement.