

我叫山姆·马哈拉。在这里,我想谈谈我在第二次世界大战期间作为美国囚犯的那段艰难日子里的记忆。让我把你介绍给我的家人。这是一张米哈家的照片,那个抱着双臂的年轻人,我叫他挑衅的顽童。那就是我。在这张照片里,我大约八岁。哥哥在我旁边,爸爸在我后面,妈妈站在右边,然后爷爷和奶奶米哈也坐着。我哥哥和我出生在旧金山,我们是美国公民。我们一直都是。这是我们的一个重要区别。 This is a group of second grade, seven year old girls doing their morning Pledge of Allegiance. If you look closely at the facial expressions of all these girls, you can tell they really are intent. And they got this, this strong feeling of loyalty to the United States, and you can see it when they give that, that Pledge of Allegiance. You know, I pledge allegiance to the flag and, and you can see that in their faces. This is one of the headlines of the newspaper in San Francisco, the San Francisco Examiner saying "Ouster of the" - I quote J word - "is near". Now they're very important. Here's a newspaper headline suggesting that removal of the people is, is timely. The media was creating an impression among the people that it's time for the Japanese to be removed. This billboard went up a half a block from my house in San Francisco, half a block away on the corner, a huge billboard that said, "Bye-Bye". And then the J word. Awful. I mean, how would you like it? If somebody put up a billboard right next to your house or close to your house that said, bye bye, whatever your, your religious or racial or other group affinity is, that that would be awful. But it happened back in 1942.