

讲故事的人。作曲家。抒情诗人。斯蒂芬桑德海姆是谁?斯蒂芬桑德海姆约书亚出生于1930年3月22日,在纽约,纽约。他早期对音乐的兴趣是鼓励家庭朋友奥斯卡·汉默斯坦二世罗杰斯和汉默斯坦的一半,其负责显示像旋转木马和俄克拉何马州普利策奖得主!除了他的研究与汉默斯坦,桑德海姆学会了钢琴和器官,写学校的音乐剧,在马萨诸塞州威廉姆斯学院学习音乐。毕业后他回到纽约,在那里他学习了下作曲家弥尔顿巴比特。几年后写电视脚本在好莱坞,桑德海姆收到了他的第一个电话百老汇:他被聘为伦纳德伯恩斯坦的《西区故事》的抒情诗人。当音乐打开,桑德海姆只有27岁。 West Side Story was a fortuitous beginning. Sondheim worked on a few more projects as a lyricist before deciding to focus on shows where he had full control of music and lyrics as both a composer and a lyricist. Company, Follies, A Little Night Music, and Sweeney Todd—all these won Tony Awards, and they are just some of the productions with music and lyrics by Sondheim. In 2008 Sondheim was granted a Special Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre. Stephen Sondheim died on November 26, 2021, at age 91. A few days later, hundreds of Broadway performers gathered in New York City’s Duffy Square to sing from Sondheim’s catalog and honor his legacy.