

科学的方法构建和测试中使用的技术是一个科学假设。通常情况下,有六个步骤科学方法。第一步是问一个问题,“为什么不是我的咖啡机工作?“那你的研究。而不是从什么开始,你可以看看别人用同样的机器有问题。下一步,使用这些知识形成hypothesis-an受过教育的猜测发生了什么。也许是“咖啡机坏了,因为出口是插入坏了。如果我把咖啡机到另一个出口,它会打开。“时间进行一个实验来测试你的假设。一些实验处理多个变量和涉及多次测试。不过,在这种情况下,你只需要将你的咖啡机移动到另一个点在柜台上。一旦你进行的实验中,你可以分析结果和得出结论。 In this case, if the coffee maker starts working, your hypothesis was correct. You can safely conclude that it was the outlet, not the coffee maker, that was faulty. Then you can share your results. Whether that’s just telling someone in your house or writing up a formal brief is up to you. If your coffee maker still isn’t working, it’s back to the drawing board for a new hypothesis. Time to start the scientific method all over again.