



罗恩POTEAT:我是罗恩POTEAT。我区域总裁地区银行在阿拉巴马州北部,和我是一个2型糖尿病。大约一年前,由于常规的物理,我的医生说,“嘿,进来。我想和你谈谈。”And he said, "You've got it." And I said, "What have I got?" He said, "Well, you're type 2 diabetic," which was not a complete shock to me, because I have a family history. And so my grandmother, my mother, and now I kind of crossed that threshold. And so it was a sobering moment for me to say, "Okay, I've kind of crossed over into--the--to--to this situation. And so it's made some pretty profound changes for me in the way I eat and the way I exercise and the choices that I make on a daily basis to help me manage through this. And--and so--but the by-product of those changed choices are as--I'm healthier, my weight has gone down, my blood sugar is under that threshold now. And it's--so it's something that I intend on managing going forward. It's not something that I don't think I can sustain. It's--it's a different way of life for me.

