听珍妮·讨论她的传记非凡女子:不为人知的故事》,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的母亲





我认为你必须看看为什么总统写了那本书在第一place-his-his回忆录。因为想法出现的时刻,他被当选为美国历史上第一位黑人总统的“哈佛法律评论”。And in the aftermath of that election, in 1990, there were a number of articles written about him—really the first extensive media coverage of Barack Obama—and a series of profiles that ran in major newspapers. And if you look at those articles, he begins to elaborate his life story, the story on which he subsequently based his introduction to the American public at the 2004 convention and then on which he—the life story he used in the 2008 campaign. And when he talks about his story in those early articles, you see, increasingly, an emphasis on his father. I think the book, in a way—because he was the first black president of the "Harvard Law Review"—was intended initially—the idea which came from a—from a—a—a agent actually—the idea was to talk about his—his racial history, his race identity, and his finding of his race identity. So, to some extent, he was telling the story of his coming to terms with the African/African American side of himself. So the emphasis was more on his father. That—that would be one interpretation you could offer. He does—you're right. Aft—that book came out in '95. In 2004, after the Democratic Convention speech, he—the book became very popular again and was republished with a new preface. And in that new preface he said, "Had I known my mother was gonna die,"—she died shortly after the—the book was published the first time—"Had I known she was gonna—gonna die, I might have written a different book, not a book about the absent parent but a book about the one who was the single constant in my life." And then two years after that, he goes back in the "Audacity of Hope" and describes her even more specifically, in terms of her influence on him, shaping his values and giving him the impetus really to go into public life. And then when I spoke to him, he spoke about her again along—on those terms. But he went even further, and he said, "She was . . ."—he described her as smart and sophisticated in her work, which is not something I had ever really heard him talk about. So, I think, for a combination of reasons, he started out thinking about his father and is increasingly thinking about his mother.

在她前几周在大学作为一个17岁的大学新生,艾莉巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)遇到的第一位非裔学生在夏威夷大学和肯尼亚。实际上他到达那里,而不是通过东西方中心越来越被包裹起来,你知道,留学生发酵。所以她见过他。他非常有魅力。他有一个神奇的声音,根据人“认识他,很聪明,她有某种灾难性遇到他。由November-early 11月她怀孕了。她辍学,他们安静地结婚,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在8月4日,1961年,年轻的出生在一个医院在火奴鲁鲁。

我认为,证据已经很清楚了好几年了,之前发布的出生证明,这是他出生的地方。事实上的出生证明在2008年发布的竞选是标准的夏威夷出生证明。他们没有问题,当然这些天,长,引用长篇。不过,似乎把问题活动结束后休息一段时间,但接着又重新浮现,沉淀总统最近的版本。是否有把问题全部休息,我认为,告诉我们一个更重要的人参数出生的事实,因为事实。不仅是2008年出生证明很明确的长篇一个简单的支持,正如我们所预期的,但也有公告在檀香山论文10天内总统的出生公告所放置的医院。你不能调用文件和公告自己。的state-elected officials-Republicans和民主党人居然还为形式上的真实性,据说,几年前出生证明。所以我认为材料记录是一回事,然后是意见的人选择相信this-want认为这不管出于什么原因是别的东西。

他和他的母亲搬到印尼在六岁时。印尼是一个种族意识society-Indonesians会告诉你,意识到人的皮肤的颜色。很少有非洲人,非洲裔美国人或者非洲血统的人在雅加达的时候年轻的巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)和他的母亲和继父住在那里。我告诉孩子取笑他凝聚's-and-and甚至成年人。我采访了一些人曾与她在雅加达1970 - ' 69 ' 70 -在第一已有四年期间她住在那里,他们告诉我,非常的甜蜜和无辜,这她要带她的儿子到办公室,他们会笑话关于他的肤色和嘲笑他。我认为他说,“嘲笑他。”And I said, "Laugh at him or with him?" And—and he said, "Well, both." He said it as though, "Of course, that's—that's what we do here." So I think there was a certain amount of awareness of his skin color. Another fascinating incident, which was related to me by a—an American woman who was living in Djokjakarta in Indonesia at the time involved a lunch that she had with Ann Dunham and the young Barack Obama when he was nine. And they went out for a walk after lunch in the city of Djokjakarta. And, according to this woman, some Indonesian children ran alongside them and started to throw stones at the young Barack. And he just sort of jumped around and duck—play—sort of played dodgeball with the stones and, you know, just laughed. And—she said, "As though playing dodgeball with—with—with a hidden enemy, a hidden opponent"—and Ann said nothing—Ann Dunham, his mother. And the woman who was telling me this story was concerned, because she thought possibly Ann didn't know that these Indonesian children were yelling racial epithets at her son. And she—so she stepped forward to say, you know, "Should—do you understand what's being said? Should we—should I do something?" And Ann said, "No, no, he's used to it." And this woman's conclusion was that she was really—that she had decided to—that in order to raise her child in Indonesia, he needed to be fearless, and she was encouraging this kind of fearlessness.


安·邓纳姆不是一个宗教的人而言,是一个关系与特定教会甚至特定的宗教。但是她已经被许多人接近她,包括她的儿子,作为一个很精神的人。生她养她的父母一直在浸信会和卫理公会派教徒的家庭长大,但我不认为尤其church-oriented本身。但作为一个十几岁的安去了一个青年组织的一位论派教会在贝尔维尤,华盛顿,很自由,进步的价值观和,我相信,扮演了一个角色在塑造anti-redlining法在金县,华盛顿,类似这样的事情。所以她这暴露早期——培训,如果你想称呼它。他们老牌青年集团将经常去犹太教堂和寺庙和一种机构的其他宗教和观察他们,回来谈论他们。所以他们做了很多比较宗教。后来在她的生活中,根据她的女儿,她让她的孩子们的重要性排序的她尊重每一个宗教都有一些东西可以提供,她愿意尝试不同的,这取决于她的地方。所以她会使产品在佛教寺庙,她冥想。在她的生活,她的一个同事告诉我,他觉得she-he-she朝着一种自然神论或Uni-back一神论的根源。 So she was very spiritual, and yet she did not like the idea of excess ritual. So it's interesting—the—the president's choice to affiliate himself with a specific church in a—in a very public way. That might be another area in which he really chose the opposite.

