

在另一个方面人类的皮肤是独一无二的。要理解这一点,你必须明白我们有不同种类的汗腺。我们研究了让我们保持凉爽的那种。另一种对人类并不是特别有用。我们是独一无二的,因为我们比其他任何动物都要少得多。它们的职责是给我们独特的体味。正如你可能猜到的那样,它们大多位于腋窝(音乐响起)。它们将产品分泌到毛囊中。然后它移动到皮肤表面。新鲜时,它是相当无味的。 It acquires its odor only when bacteria on the skin act on it and break it down. Many animals depend on this interaction for identification and sexual attraction [music in], but humans wage a frantic battle against even faint odor.

当你得知你的腋窝里住着外来生物时,你可能会感到很不愉快。你从头到脚都被细菌和其他生物覆盖着。我们可以在显微照片上看到这些生物。大多数情况下,它们不会引起任何问题,但有时它们会导致疣子、痤疮、脚气等等。当然,疾病细菌通过开放的伤口进入人体会使我们生病。一般来说,表皮保护我们免受入侵,因为它是如此的坚不可摧。不断流出的汗水也可以保护身体;细菌很难抵抗从毛孔中不断流出的湿气。如果细菌进入皮肤,血管和淋巴管就会配备白细胞来消灭入侵者。此外,只要保持清洁,我们就能大大增强皮肤对疾病和体味的防御能力。 Despite the thousands of skin-care products and the millions of dollars we spend on them each year, water and mild soap remain the safest and most reliable tools for skin maintenance. The best thing you can do for your skin is to wash it regularly. Don't scrub it, just keep it clean, especially during adolescence when skin undergoes major changes and acne is common.